How to be More Proactive in a Relationship

Published: 14 Jan 2025

how to be more proactive in a relationship and enjoy each other

The best relationships are the ones where both partners are proactive. This means they take the time to think about what they can do to improve things for the other person and themselves.

Human beings are social creatures. We form bonds with our family members, friends, and co-workers. These relationships are essential to our well-being. They provide us with support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.

But how many relationships can we really maintain? According to researchers, the answer is 150. That’s the maximum number we are capable of sustaining. This number includes our five closest relationships (such as our spouse or partner, parents, and children) and our extended network of friends, colleagues, and acquaintances.

While 150 may seem like a lot, it’s important to remember that these relationships require time and effort to maintain. It’s not always easy to be proactive, but it’s definitely worth it! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how you can be more proactive in a relationship. It will also give you actionable advice on how to maintain any relationship.  

What does it mean to be proactive?

People often toss around the word proactive, but what does it mean?

Being proactive means taking action and being in control of your own life. It means being aware of what is happening around you and taking steps to prevent problems before they happen. It means taking responsibility for your own choices and decisions and not waiting for someone else to tell you what to do.

Proactive people are always looking for ways to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. They are always thinking about what they can do to make things better.

When they make mistakes, they learn from them and use them as an opportunity to grow. Because of this, they are not afraid to take risks. They know that in order to achieve anything of value, they must be willing to put themselves out there and try new things. They also understand that failure is a part of life and that it’s okay to fail as long as you learn from your mistakes.

Proactive is the opposite of reactive. Reactive people are always waiting for something to happen, while proactive people constantly look for ways to make things happen. When things go wrong, reactive people tend to blame others or circumstances beyond their control. Proactive people take responsibility for their own lives and work to find solutions. They understand that they can’t control everything, but they also know that they can control how they respond to the hand they’ve been dealt.

When you become more proactive, you will become more passionate about making positive changes in your life, your relationships and the world around you. 

Proactive people carry their own weather with themStephen R. Covey

Why is being more proactive in a relationship important?

It’s often said that the honeymoon period is the best part of a relationship. And it’s true, to an extent – during this time, you and your partner are typically head-over-heels in love with each other, and everything seems perfect. However, it’s important to remember that the honeymoon period doesn’t last forever. In fact, it’s normal for a relationship’s initial excitement to start waning after a few months or years. This doesn’t mean that your relationship is doomed – on the contrary, it can signify that you’re settling into a comfortable routine.

This is perfectly normal, but it doesn’t mean the relationship has to stay this way. Proactivity can help to spice things up and keep the relationship fresh.

Making an effort to keep the relationship exciting can help to prevent boredom and resentment from setting in. Additionally, proactivity can help couples to communicate better and work together as a team. When both partners invest in the relationship, they are more likely to go above and beyond to create a stronger one.

As a result, proactivity is good for relationships because it can help to prevent complacency, encourage communication, and promote teamwork.

Steps on how to be more proactive in a relationship

Think about your relationship and discuss what you want from it

In order to have a healthy and successful relationship, it is important to take some time to think about what you both want from the relationship. Whether you’re just starting out or have been together for years, it’s good to reflect on what you both want and ensure you’re on the same page.

What are your goals and objectives? What are your needs and wants? What does your partner need?

Over time, people change, and relationships change with them. It’s important to be more proactive in a relationship and discuss marriage, children, and living arrangements. People’s opinions of these can evolve, and just because they had an opinion years ago doesn’t mean that it is still the same.

Once you understand what you are both looking for, you can start to communicate your needs and expectations to your partner. It is also important to be realistic about what you can expect from your relationship. No relationship is perfect, and there will always be ups and downs.

However, by taking the time to think about what you want from your relationship, you can set yourself up for success.

Be open to discussing what needs to change in the relationship

Being open and honest about your feelings can be challenging, especially if you’re used to bottling them up. But in a relationship, it’s crucial to be able to share what you’re thinking and feeling, even if it’s not always easy. After all, your partner can’t read your mind, and if something is bothering you, you shouldn’t expect them to know what’s wrong automatically. 

What’s more, keeping your thoughts and emotions to yourself can actually make things worse. When you bottle up your feelings, it can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and even anger.

On the other hand, being open and honest with your partner will help to create a stronger bond between you. It shows that you trust them enough to confide in them, and it also allows them the opportunity to support you through whatever you’re going through.

In any relationship, both people must be open to change. After all, relationships are constantly evolving, and what worked in the past may not work in the present. If your partner suggests something you’re uncomfortable with, don’t be offended. Instead, try to see it as though they are trying to improve the relationship.

It’s important to remember that you’re both working towards the same goal: creating a happy and healthy relationship. That can only happen if both of you are willing to discuss your feelings.

Plan time to spend time with each other

Everyone is busy. We all have work, school, children, friends, and hobbies that can consume our time. However, spending quality time with your partner is essential to the health and happiness of your relationship.

But what exactly is quality time? It’s giving someone our undivided attention without distractions from work, screens, or other obligations. You can use it for simply enjoying each other’s company or for pursuing a shared activity or interest.

This can be anything from going for a walk to playing a game to cooking dinner together. The important thing is that you’re focused on enjoying each other’s company.

When you are proactive in creating time to spend with one another, you can make the relationship stronger and deepen your connection.

Don’t take each other for granted – appreciate your partner

In any relationship, it’s easy to take your partner for granted. After a while, it can start to feel like they will always be there, doing the things they always do. But the truth is, we never really know what tomorrow will bring. And it is easy to forget about love if both partners never express it.

Love is one of the most amazing human emotions. It can make us feel happy, sad, excited, and everything in between. When we are in love, we often feel like we are on top of the world. We may also feel like we would do anything for the person we love.

One of the best ways to show our love for someone is by spending time with them. We can also express our love through words and actions. Sometimes, simply telling our partner that we love them can make all the difference in the world. No matter how we choose to show it, expressing our love to our partner is one of the most proactive things, we can do in a relationship.

Tell them how much you care, and take the time to show them how much you appreciate them. It can make all the difference in the world.

We must be proactive in our love in order for it to change livesMarianne Williamson

Be supportive of each other, especially during tough times

Everyone will go through tough times at some point. When these difficult periods arise, it is important to be there for your partner. Show them your support and let them know that you are in this together.

You can be more proactive in a relationship during these tough times by finding ways to help your partner out. If they are struggling with work, offer to help with the household chores. If they are feeling down, take them out for a night on the town. Whatever it takes, make sure they know that you are by their side and ready to help. By showing your partner your support during the tough times, you can help to strengthen your relationship and build a stronger foundation for the future.

Celebrate successes!

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of happiness and pride that comes from seeing your partner succeed. Whether it’s a new job, a big project, or simply something they’ve been working hard on for a long time, celebrating their accomplishments is one of the best ways to show how much you care.

Not only does it show that you’re happy with their success, but it also helps to create a stronger bond between the two of you. And let’s not forget the added bonus of being able to brag about your partner to the world! When they succeed, you succeed.

Remember that the next time something great happens to them, be sure to celebrate together. It’ll make the moment even more special for both of you.

Deal with any setbacks that may occur along the way

Any relationship will have its ups and downs, but it’s how you handle the tough times that really matter. If you and your partner are willing to work together to resolve problems, you can come out of difficult situations even stronger than before.

Conflict is a normal part of any relationship, whether it’s between co-workers, friends, or family members. But just because conflict is common doesn’t mean it’s always easy to deal with. When emotions run high, staying calm and rational can be difficult. But if you remember that you’re on the same team, finding a solution that works for both of you will be easier.

When you’re facing a challenge, take a deep breath and talk to your partner about what you’re both feeling. It’s not enough to hear your partner’s words; you need to listen to their feelings as well. Take the time to really understand where they’re coming from and how they’re feeling.

Active listening can be challenging, but it’s vital if you want your relationship to thrive. By making an effort to understand them, you are showing that you care about their innermost thoughts and feelings. In return, they will likely be more open and honest with you, deepening the connection between you both.

Once you’ve both aired your grievances, it will be easier to find a way forward. If you can weather the storm together, your relationship will be all the stronger for it.

Final Thoughts

Proactivity goes a long way in relationships—not only romantic ones. Showing your partner that you care about their wants and needs and sharing the load of daily responsibilities can do wonders for the overall health and happiness of the relationship.

If you find yourself struggling to be proactive, consider hiring a coach who specializes in relationship counselling. They can help identify negative or passive behaviour patterns and work with you to create actionable steps towards positive change. With a little effort, being more proactive will improve not only your relationship but also your quality of life.

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